The South Trail Fire Protection and Rescue Service District is an independent taxing district established by the state legislature to provide fire protection and rescue services to approximately 62,000 residents of a 39-square mile area in south Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. The District operates four fire stations, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Three shifts of 25 firefighters staff three engines, a 100-foot aerial platform truck, one first out utility rescue pumper, two rescue trucks, a small rescue boat, and two brush trucks. All of our firefighters are Emergency Medical Technicians; 43 are practicing Paramedics. ALL district fire engines/trucks/pumpers/rescues provide Advanced Life Support level of care for medical emergencies. In 2023, our crews responded to 11,148 calls for service - including fires, rescues, medical emergencies, hazardous material events, and vehicle crashes.
Page Last Updated: Oct 12, 2022 (12:13:00)